7-sinf o'quvchilari uchun ingliz tili fanidan online olimpiada savollari

Test savollar soni: 20 ta

Bajarish uchun ajratilgan vaqt: 60 daqiqa

Barcha ma'lumotlarni to'g'ri kiriting.

I get up at 8.00 am. For breakfast I have cereal and milk, with orange juice. After breakfast, I meet my friend, and we go to school together on the metro. Some days, school starts at 9.00 but on other days at 10.00. We don’t wear a uniform, and we call our teachers by their first name. We all get a free lunch at school – meat or fish with vegetables for the main course and fruit for dessert. School usually finishes at 2.45, and after that I go to music lessons or drama club. I have a snack in the evening before bed. Which statement is TRUE?

_____ a pencil in my bag which you can borrow.

There are some parts of the world _________ even now people cannot write.

As soon as he___ to Copenhagen he___ us a letter.

They were considering where _____ the money, as they were afraid of ______ .

The ice is very ______ so don’t walk on it.

Is there anything ______ you’d like me to get you?

Which statement fits best?

He said “I met him in 1950”. He said ___ .

He’s ______ because he has won the prize.

A liar ___ when he speaks the truth.

The ___ you start, the ___ you’ll finish.

Why didn't you answer my letter?

If you want antibiotics, you _____ to ask the doctor for a prescription.

Carlos heard that you _____ in town.

Look at him! He ........ the same clothes for years.

Look, Mary is playing with the scissors! Take   ........ away from her,  ........ may cut into her fingers.

This holiday is worth ___ .

He found everything rather strange, as he _______ abroad before.

Nothing can stop us now, ___?
