Elementary Test6

Atalay Oguz
TEST MASTER ( Over 16.000 questions )

BOOK 1   

Elementary test6
77 test questions


- Can / can’t - Was / were
- Could - Was born
- Prepositions

Barcha ma'lumotlarni to'g'ri kiriting.

A: How much _____ the tea cups before? B: They _____ 10 euros each, they _____ 8 euros now!

A: _____ Paul play rugby?             B: No, he can’t. But he can _____ baseball.

Our homework ____ very difficult yesterday, but today it ____ easy.

A: How _____ they after the accident? B: They _____ shocked, but now they _____ better.

“_____ you drive?”         “No, I can’t.”

I was _____ a party last night.

My little sister _____ paint pictures alone when she _____ nine, but she _____ now.

We _____ married when I _____ eighteen and Roger _____ twenty.

Queen Elizabeth was born _____ London _____ 1926.

“_____ you cook Italian food?”          “No, I _____ but I love eating it.”

The weather _____ nice today, but it _____ nasty yesterday.

A: _____ was Mr. Black born? B: He was born _____ 1963.

I love Netherlands, _____ I came to Amsterdam.

Tim _____ run very well, but I _____ run like him, because I was bad at running.

A: _____ can my students come?               B: At 3 in the afternoon.

She was _____ the cinema _____ her brother.

“Where _____ you born?”              “I _____ born in India.

Look _____ this photo _____ my brother. Isn’t he tall?

A: _____ languages can Mrs. Brown speak?             B: English & Irish.

“_____ you in England in 1999?”         “Yes, I _____ .”

A: _____ languages could they speak when they _____ teenagers? B: Italian and Russian.

“ Can you help me with my homework ?”   “_____ course I can; give it _____ me.”

John lives _____ home _____ his parents.

Kim _____ ski 4 years ago, but he _____ ski very well now.

The students _____ very tired today. Because they _____ at a party last night.

Where _____ you now?

A: _____ languages _____ Nicola speak when he _____ a child? B: 2 languages.

A: _____ were they late for the meeting? B: Because they _____ asleep.

I work _____ 6 a.m. _____ 6 p.m.

Was it hot yesterday?          Yes, it _____ .
